Low Carb No Carb Beyond Weight Loss
With the new year comes all its resolutions and predictably a focus on weight, fitness or sticking to the new dietary discipline that can and will help us to shed the layers built up from the last few months of holidays and “undisciplined habits. Many of you know I’m a fan of healthy eating, ketogenic diet, paleo diet, and even carnivore. That doesn’t mean I believe everyone should be a on a keto or carnivore diet, at least for the reasons you may possibly think. I have my own success story with each of these at different times in my life, but the most important lesson is when and when to change. I see the same videos and one sided stories you see on the internet, YouTube and social media platforms. I think there’s some great people marketing great products and genuine success stories with many different strategies. That said, there are short comings with our nature to simplify without understanding how the body will respond when we restrict macronutrients. Are carbs abused? Are they highly processed? Yes and Yes. What happens when we extend a long period beyond weight loss with carb restriction? Well, there’s more to this answer than just one episode, but today I discuss a very common pattern with the fad diet or short term success strategies that get promoted long term and some of the downstream affects of “pushing” too long. This information is based on my own study, clinical experience and personal experience of food and nutritional experimentation. There is no “should” diet other than listening to your body’s response and asking more questions. Enjoy your journey of self discovery, Dr. Wade drwadeanunson.com